dimarts, 30. d’agost 2005


still waiting to see, but more and more stuff is actually out there. nokia tries it this way:

... unfortunately, the system can only handle 15 characters maximum in this first generation device, but the hologram-like effect can be seen from six metres away, even in broad daylight. Obviously, from much further away when its dark. (virtualworldlets)

at mit they are playing with it since a long time actually and the last results don't look bad. (thanks stephan)

i was told dreamworks uses something holographic like for their videoconferencing, but still need to find and see the proof.

probably someone has to add this laser keyboard to this.

well, tele immersion, some sort of hybrid thinking.

back in the year 2000 and 1956. knew i had this somewhere ;)

holographic movie is a dream the optical society has since its peak in the late 60s. the russian victor komar was working on it quite a bit: static holographic projector

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hope to have all of these in the near future :-)

my pleasure -stephan

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ja, if it helps to change the mind of those mobile talkers to go back to their room and keep the beer garden table free for the essentials: cigarettes and - well - vine ;)

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or how about a holographic lung or liver? could be supplementary.

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give me a holo cigarette break ;)

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