dimarts, 28. de juny 2005

history talks and copyfight

finally barna. not the best time, but what the hack. agosto would be imposible. in-between talks about cyclades and cigale. i guess, as isdn is still the sacred cow for alemaña, telex was something similar back than for france.

Was Honeywell-Bull Distributed System Architecture derived from Cyclades INRIA project ?

A: While Cyclades was developed in Roquencourt, at a walking distance from Louveciennes's CII lab, the Cyclades experimental project initiated by Louis Pouzin did not evolve into CII's NNA -the predecessor of DSA. CII designers were perfectly aware of Cyclades design, but they diverge from the Cyclades options that were rejected by standardization bodies in CCITT. PTTs and notably French PTT preferred the so-called "connection" protocols -closer to the Telex culture- to the "connection-less" datagram protocol that Pouzin had borrowed from Arpanet.

hm, i thought it was the other way around? datagram was borrowd from Cyclades: "Cyclades, which started 12 to 18 months after the Arpanet, adopted the idea of the end-to-end protocols (i.e. pushing complexity towards the edge of the network) and pushed it significantly further in particular with the concept of datagrams." (hubert zimmermann)

After the fact, it may seem unhappy that this architecture choice made Honeywell moved away from what was the direction of Internet future standard. But, before deregulation, the PTT choices were unavoidable and DSA was following them. Note that PTT imposed the X-25 standard because it mapped well on the then sacrosanct Telex that emphasized end-to-end transmission control. (bull history)

maybe interesting too: role of public policy in europe.

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