motz |
dissabte, 7. de maig 2005
parss it on motzes, 07.05.2005 11:58h
one of the nice things about parss is, that it somehow can do to rss/rdf what delicious does for bookmarking. if it is a group site, they can share their feeds as well as sort out their private ones, by merging them and select 'all' or 'personal'. even you can recommend, to stress a difference. if it is an open antville blog (and you're logged in), anyone can get a glimpse about what you are reading by simply adding /feeds after the url. the same as if you wanna see the /referrers or /mostread stories of a blog. just in case you forgot. days back you needed to quote by copy and paste, now you get the quote transfered to your weblog by one click and without leaving your site. the link to the original is provided as well as the text. even it seems to vary, how much of the text gets delivered. days back people looked at blogrolls, and here at people use subscriptions. now you can check out feeds. does it make a difference? well, it gives you more information at a glance than a subscription list does. just to mention one. what else it can do has to be found out by playing around and to start to consider ways out of deadlocked publishing schemes. if you wanna you can use it for wordsampling or whatever those hypertext poets once were up to ;) ... Comment |
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