motz |
dijous, 21. d’abril 2005
discovering a new world motzes, 21.04.2005 17:46h
.eu will be up and running at the end of this year, they announced at bbc. ... that businesses and private people can build up an european identity on the net ...they said. hey, wake up, it's the interent, supposedly a global network. tcom is still going on my nerves, besides that germans understand the net as a "hyphen society",, in generell they behave like a developing country, when it comes to connectivity. flatrates are no flatrates, as the rest of the world understands it: you have to collect pieces and bits from here and there. it's supposed to be a package, everything included. that's why i pay the price. well, somewhere else. dsl is incredible expensive, their stupid isdn antique and as often as you call their 800number, that btw is unreachable from a foreign mobile, they tell you a different story. first i thought vienna is way behind, than i had my fights with telefonica, but dtcom, i have to say, is the worst so far. 83euros for decent dsl, that's doble what we paid in spain for the same service. but there at least people are setting up demonstrations once a while to show their anger about telefonicas monopol behaviour. germany? nada. 8000million have adsl, 10%, they tell you at the callcenter of dtcom. oh well, we settled down in a developing country. ... Comment
Mama, 21/4/05 20:38
The big problem really is, that there are so few real competitors to the dtcom. only arcor is really building up their own net and the dtcom is only capable of doing about 2 Million dsl lines per year. ... Link
motzes, 21/4/05 20:49
i think the real problem is, that they are still sitting big and fad on their lines and there is no way around. ... link
kitschtante, 22/4/05 14:46
homegrown lack of competition. ... link
motzes, 22/4/05 15:38
mit wenig erfolg. man quatscht über die verträge von lisboa, aber wie will dt das den umsetzen? würd jetzt nur gern wissen, ob man sich in den schulen via modem einwählt; wenn überhaupt. was weiss man. ... link
kitschtante, 22/4/05 15:47
wettbewerb kommt nicht über nacht. ... link ... Comment |
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