diumenge, 23. de gener 2005

open business

danese cooper definitely knows what she is talking about. for a while she was in charge of the open source programs at sun; lately she calls herself diva, evangelist and some other names, if necessary.
big blue's move to contribute 500 patents proofs nothing more but they still haven't got the idea of oss right. some years ago ibm did something more useful, danese cooper adds: their logo showed up next to the pinguin which let to credibility in certain business circles.

ibmpatent (foo/bar, 555 KB)

lately danese works on the releace of opensolaris. still the licence question needs to be settled. some estimate it will be under sun's cddl, the osi board approved just some days ago ("discussion" at slashdot); well, no comment on that, really, but a remark on indemnification. something that came up since people started to belief that one can make money with open source. well, as there are always two sides of a coin, a growing crowd of patent lawyers try to get their slice of the cake by suing also open source projects.

opensolaris (foo/bar, 371 KB)

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