motz |
dimarts, 11. de gener 2005
bureaucracy meets technology motzes, 11.01.2005 17:24h
On top of this biometric chips in passports "kill" access to biometric chips in visas in the same passport, and if other countries decide to insert biometric chips in their visas then the visa chips "kill" each other off. What a fiasco!" the irony of the little 'e' or an 'e' fights back The "collision problem" is two fold: first there is a "risk of failure due to interference between eVisa chips" (ie: if several states have inserted chip visas) and second, and more fundamentally, there is even the "risk of failure due to interference between ePassport and eVisa". As the report puts it, if non-EU countries use "ePassports" (as the EU intends to do) and each visa has a biometric chip this:"Will "kill" ePassport chip functionality"(statewatch 05.01.2005) us passport story and their dream of setting the rules ww: naked data, a white paper of aclu and the problems are known since - well they say at least since 2003, COM 558. there should have been a meeting of the issue today, but i haven't found some information yet ... ... Comment |
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