motz |
dimecres, 25. de gener 2006
a bug is not a bug is a bug motzes, 25.01.2006 20:48h
conway's law: any organization which designs a system will inevitably produce a design whose structure is a copy of the organization's communication structure. computer scientists follow the salami slice tactic, says richard gabriel. it appears to them to be 'natural' just to accept papers that differ the least. yet "their work must continue ...
one can't blame tony hoare of doing that. his project the verifying compiler doesn't sound like a small slice. i am still not sure if he got all the money yet, even there are some indications that he might be on track. Premature optimization is the root of all evil in programming. C. A. R. Hoare (quoted by r.garbiel in ArtOfLisp) according to him "software works because people designed it to work; over time hard- and software has changed, but what remains is the at the event where i heard tony hoare presenting his vision was also niklas wirth, the old swiss man, who once brought schoolkids pascal. he wasn't really amused of hoare: "as an engineer" he has some problems with the idea, because it will occupy a lot of people's mind for a long time; too long in his mind. and second because he doubts its performance: "what's my advantage if there are trains that arrive 100% on time, but consist of nothing more than uncomftable boxcars?" what't the use of a programm, that's 100% ![]() ![]() in certain, well-defined areas, it's maybe secure to let genetic algorithms do the job, r.gabriel suggests. anyhow, it would be more important to teach some nuances in programming as when and where it's better not to fix an error than to fix it: he gives credit - if i understand it right - to martin rinard, for the line 'forgiving and unforgiving regions of code' and adds: "we are just at the b. randell recalls 1968 and one of the early conferences on software engineering. at that time "software became to have meaning in normal business parlance" yet problems sound similar: reliability, bugs, software as a commodity, modularity and structuring, problem of large systems. maybe also the following quote (found in randell's paper) is not yet outdated. "A contract research organisation had eight people who were to produce a COBOL and an ALGOL compiler. After some initial estimates of difficulty and time, five people were assigned to the COBOL job and three to the ALGOL job. The resulting COBOL compiler ran in five phases, the ALGOL compiler ran in three." (m.e. conway, how do committees invent?, datamation, 1968). melvin conway 40years later ... ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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