diumenge, 15. de gener 2006

tag this

if i look at the tags of technorati that land in my referrers, i can't resist to say they are plain stupid. if you love censurship, vale, go on, that would make at least some sense; if you dream of new findings you will be disenchanted pretty soon. they simply don't make sense. even gatekeepers did better than that. oh my ontology chaps, didn't you learn from orkut yet?

oh ja, as some say, there will be new job offerings 2006: await the call for professional tagger. for my side i am still waiting to see an official job announcement for knowledge worker, as they were proposed some 10 years ago. haven't got one b.card in my hand with that job label on it yet.

i think chris is right. as long as you keep it away from text, it's at least fun. something maybe dublin core people had, because they had the muse to travel to fancy places; for five years, for 15 words.

right now the efforts remind me of nothing more than caga tió, a catalan tradition for children before christmas: beat and feed a piece of wood so that it will shit you presents within 15 days ...

nothing new at that front so far. wondering if tomorrow will mark a difference. - glad if it brings some ideas ...

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