dimarts, 10. de gener 2006

who rules the place

jerry [elkind], when that's all you do it's a kind of downer. You need to be going 'rah,rah' sometimes, too, not just being a devils' advocate.(280, dealers of lightning)

taylor versus elkind, as latter tries to take back his old job at parc. well, something never really easy going, i guess. at the end of the book hiltzik writes more about the other face of parc, about the ego wars and other gibber jabber not as known to me:

the story of richard shoup and his superpaint, who fell out of favor with bob taylor, because of different future/computing/worldviews.

taylor's shit list was a cold, forbidden place (239)

uff, it takes me longer to read this book then i thought ...

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reyner banham

Megastructure : urban futures of the recent past / [by] Reyner Banham. -- London : Thames and Hudson, 1976

The Aspen papers : twenty years of design theory from the International Design Conference in Aspen / edited and with commentary by Reyner Banham. -- New York : Praeger, [1974]

The new brutalism: ethic or aesthetic?. -- London : Architectural Press, 1966

Theory and Design in the first machine age. -- London : Architectural Press, 1960

Reyner Banham, father figure to the British group Archigram, envisioned an "unhouse" in 1965, a plastic bubble dome inflated by air-conditioning output. Archigram abandoned its imagery of "control" (expressed in mechanistic megastructures) for that of "choice" and seized on the inflated auto-enviornment ... (pneumotopian visions, metropolis, 1998)

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kinetic typography: typorganism; not updated anymore, though. also a lot of dead links at the sociable media group; still enough to get an impression.

computational information design, ben fry.

infographics collection and not to forget marumushi from marcos weskamp, who has new work out there (best known for his newsmap). recalled by gary woodill in his brandon hall report ermerging e-learning (thanks becki!)

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