motz |
dijous, 5. de gener 2006
influence and interaction motzes, 05.01.2006 12:53h
“I had the privilege of spending nearly a week in Engelbart’s lab, and stole many great NLS ideas for FRESS” that always seemed to lead back to Bush.andy dam, at the symposium 50 years after vannever bush's 'as we may think'. before fress was 'hes' (hypertext editing system, 1967,'68) dam working together with ted nelson and then went on with his students to build "the first hypertext system on commercial hardware, in 1969" (fress) anyhow. one important part of this new kind of interacting also was achieved by "interdisciplinary centers for material research", 12 very big programs sponsored by arpa, charles herzfeld recalls. it changed teaching at universities as it made hardware cheaper and effortable.
materials research laboratories: reviewing the first twentyfive years: material labs (application/pdf, 329 KB) darpa programm 2005 also includes some equal programs, trying to "get titanium down to the cost of aluminum"; anthony tether at a hearing before the committee on science house of representatives, may, 2005.
anthony j. tether is nowadays the director of darpa, charles herzfeld was it between 1965 and 1967 (even he worked there earlier on). i am not sure if they still don't cover representation costs, but as herzfeld tells - even there is more to it - one reason he left, even he liked it though, was simply a financial one ...
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