motz |
divendres, 2. de desembre 2005
¿change? motzes, 02.12.2005 20:05h
marc prensky things it changes the mind and more. haven't got his name yesterday but a lot where drawing the conection between wim veen and him. as they say prensky gets the credit for coining !homo zappiens! - not that i give much to this term, but if thy mean. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment educa - learn the game motzes, 02.12.2005 09:48h
homo zappiens, the rest are digital immigrants, says wim veen, who started with bringing teenes on stage and let them perform. - and they did better than microsoft. multiple personalities, sin computer just in school, ..., get non linear, share and communicate, read bottom down, shape your multitasking personality. project of ebay founder pierre omidyar and pam. Our Foundation recently completed a significant strategic re-evaluation project which resulted in the expansion of our funding efforts. In June, we created the Omidyar Network, a new organization that will fund for-profit organizations as well as non-profits ... So, we created the Omidyar Network for one single purpose: so that more and more people discover their own power to make good things happen. (pierre) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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