motz |
diumenge, 27. de novembre 2005
finding answers by asking a black box motzes, 27.11.2005 13:44h
listening to talks about climate simulations, model finding and creating, i would suggest they call it exercise (yes, maybe test) as computers lead to a discussion how - or how less - important it becomes to understand. things are getting a little bit arbitrary and the result are still understood as leading towards knowledge society. to calibrate the parameters of scientific work: ¿understanding without knowing? ¿learning from behaviour but not from theorie? models, simuation and the application of mathematics paul humphreys extending ourselves computational science, empiricism, and scientific method simulation as imitation, in günter küppers, johannes lenhard, validation of simulation: patterns in the social and natural sciences lenhard, nanoscience and the janus-faced character of simulations ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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