motz |
dimecres, 16. de novembre 2005
other way around motzes, 16.11.2005 22:04h
what would be a tool for the diminutiveness loving techmarket, that would let shut up all those chaps who love to say: you don't need to understand? ... Link (4 comments) ... Comment pff motzes, 16.11.2005 21:36h
what about a cultural theory/history about tiny? how things got tiny? so tiny that you can't find/use them anymore? when became tiny and the invisible a thread? the only thing i found so far was virilio's "ästhetik des verschwindens". can't be. beside the history of kilby, nanostuff and norman's invisible computer ... ... Link (9 comments) ... Comment the history of bbs robert, 16.11.2005 19:19h
"BBS: The Documentary" is an 8 episode series about all aspects of the history of the dial-up Bulletin Board System, or BBS. 3 years in the making and the result of over 200 interviews, this collection puts in one convenient package a sense of the variety and wide-reaching effects of the BBS phenomenon. All in all, over seven and a half hours of material is included across the three region-free DVDs. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment ... Next page
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