motz |
dijous, 3. de novembre 2005
nice tool motzes, 03.11.2005 21:26h
and nice to see that online books are getting readable and have useful tools added. por ejemplo: safari. cross references, links out from the capital to other books for more information where it makes sense. more useful than the suggestion from some book shops, bookmarks, notes and email function - well, that is something i don't really need. anyhow, free trail for 14 days ... ... Link (4 comments) ... Comment mañana motzes, 03.11.2005 11:16h
day of usability, declared by the usability professionals' association. can everyone pick a day now? i will declare the day of cigarettes instead. they are usable, are not getting smaller, just less in a packet - ah, los alemanes, the text is easy to read without glasses and the embedded feature understandable. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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