dissabte, 1. d’octubre 2005

blood analyzer and an automatic chicken house

The Register: Moore's Lore Intel's founder reflects on the joys of blowing things up Gordon Moore - yes, he of transistor observation fame - came to the Computer History Museum last night. He sat. He chatted. He celebrated 40 years of being the most famous plotter on the planet. We ate cake ...

some month ago intel asked around and offered money to whom who might have the original copy of the magazine from 1965, in which moore descriped his law. a guy in england got the $10,000 check. and there is a copy

intecrated circuits will lead to such wonders as home computers - or at least terminals connected to a central compter - automated controls for automobiles, and personal portable communication euquipment. the electronic wrist watch needs only a display to be feasable today.

but the biggest potential lies in the production of large systms. in telephone communication, integrated circuits in digital filters will seperate channels on multiplex equipment. integrated circuits will also switch telephone circuits and perform data processing. (moore, electronics, vol 38, 8, april 19, 1965)

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