motz |
dijous, 15. de setembre 2005
how it came to the split motzes, 15.09.2005 11:40h
the split was a joint conclusion and I did the initial draft. Others were involved including Danny Cohen, David Reed as well as Jon. It was simply an adaptation after testing voice with and without TCP retransmission and sequencing. (vint verf)see tiny ... i am hearing more often that voice over ip is not new, but an early application they thought of as well as making business over the net. in the 90s early adapters stressed the notion that the net was not build to be commercial; keep those stupids out, they don't get it, was one repeated line. actually things weren't that nobel. or were they? recalling the story, told by a woman of ripe, telling how the first meeting between the internet guys with long hair and sandals on one side of the room and the marketing guys on the other side went along: the eyes of the suitguys when postel was entering the room ... standing ovation on one side and on the other probably considering if they would have given this guy a dime. well, ok,that's speculation. also the system of a babbling room at the ietf meetings to show approval doesn't give one the feeling to sit in a business meeting. - not even today. .... quick answer: not commercial, but military interest for video and voice. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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