dissabte, 10. de setembre 2005

false digital home vision

Computers have already led to small revolutions in boosting productivity in the office and helping people to communicate and to be creative, he says, so “we're pretty confident” that computers will have a similar effect on the way people consume entertainment.
yeah sure, but at home i have to pay for it. i think the guy is right who says:
... consumers don't buy as an IT manager does,” says Mr Dowling. “They buy spur-of-the-moment and hodge podge; they buy things, not systems.” To the extent that the digital home is not a thing but a solution, he thinks, “the vendors are all fooling themselves ...(economist

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some are getting it

“Knowledge discovery technology is best understood as enhancing the efficiency of the information-gathering process. But it should not be seen as an end in itself; just as in the physical world, the enhanced scrutiny must produce tangible results before adverse consequences beyond the fact of scrutiny should be allowed to be imposed,” the task force report states. (washtech)
a report recommending the employment of IT tools such as data mining, link analysis, biometrics, and data integration for homeland security, addressing privacy issues in advance ...

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ms is amuzed

Orion© finds pages where the content is about a topic strongly related to the key word. It then returns a section of the page, and lists other topics related to the key word so the user can pick the most relevant.
but i don't want the link to a media contact, i wanna see it.

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