motz |
divendres, 26. d’agost 2005
oh my motzes, 26.08.2005 23:59h
3d tv for universal communication or smell your football player against the wind. Takeuchi expects that developing technology that would project the sensations of touch and smell upward from a screen parallel to the floor would be more of a challenge. Technology options for touch include ultrasound, electronic stimulation, and wind pressure. (reuters) the japanese ministry of internal affairs and communications its worth 1 billion yen, next year. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment not direct funding but 2mill$ in cash motzes, 26.08.2005 23:45h
well, well, darpa tries to get enthusiasts to develope sensors and software for unmanned vehicles. By offering a cash prize, instead of funding technology development directly, the agency has triggered an enthusiastic response among thousands of civilian technophiles. (DARPA's rules prohibit the use of classified technologies. (signonsandiego) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment klingt wie monochrom motzes, 26.08.2005 21:27h
Wie das Husumer Protestschwein beinahe zum Österreichischen Nationalschwein wurde. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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