motz |
dijous, 28. de juliol 2005
"it has been forecast" motzes, 28.07.2005 17:22h
It has been forecast that by 1980, international and intercontinental links between networks will be routine, and most major computer users in industralized countries will have reasonably easy access to a worldwide communications utility. no standard is perfect, they say in the report. so they identified some criticism that should be discussed. well, it was a long discussion after all. with the end that datagrams, which were included in tcp/ip won. not an official, but a de facto standard at that time. At level three, however, the controversies have been most heated, The X.25 Recommendation has been criticized on the basis that it is too complex, fails to support datagrams, and duplicates functions at several levels [PO76a,PO76b]. hubert zimmermann, who was working on cyclades, where the datagrams were developed (group pouzin+support of the arpanet crew) and later on on the osi reference model, said, that the arpa people didn't show interest to join this discussion that accompanied the iso-osi standardization process. vint cerf's answer to this: The simple answer is that the DARPA effort had been under way since 1973. By the time the first papers on OSI architecture emerged,1978, we were 5 years into the development and testing of TCP/IP and it was time to implement and deploy. As the DARPA program manager for the effort, I was not willing to spend another 5 years in negotiations on a new suite of protocols when we had something that looked pretty solid. wise decision as the osi-discussion went on for years. in the meanwhile on the other side: with unix came an open implementation of tcp/ip, it became a de facto standard within local area networks with ethernet - no question about circuits involved, as zimmermann says, and finally intel was producing a chip ... ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment luigi motzes, 28.07.2005 14:57h
well kind of insider joke for family members. Wissensrepräsentationssystems LUIGI, Waldhör K. Erklärung im Gespräch - Erklärung im Mensch-Maschine-Dialog, 1990 ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment revisited motzes, 28.07.2005 14:33h
has been a while i went back to dynabook and the idea of personal dynamic media, but don't want to miss this pointer. What would happen in a world in which everyone had a Dynabook? If such a machine were designed in a way that any owner could mold and channel its power to his own needs, then a new kind of medium would have been created: a metamedium, whose content would be a wide range of already-existing and not-yet-invented media. (1977) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment ... Next page
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