motz |
dimecres, 27. de juliol 2005
70s and 05th motzes, 27.07.2005 19:28h
what strikes me is that in the 70s people were creating lines and thoughts as processing is gradually evolving from its ori- ginal model, the individual human mind, to networ- king and distributed processing which somehow tend to resemble the human society. Computers have been linked into individual networks to satisfy the needs of individual organizations. Now, networks must be interconnected to cater to inter-organizational relationships. (zimmermann, cien, design principles for network interconnection, '79)while nowadays they want to mirror the computer model back on human. what an evolution! if you call that social i get scab. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment reference motzes, 27.07.2005 18:54h
The fast technological developments in the field of data communication have been materialized in a variety of products which claim to solve the user's requirements for networking. On the other hand, the users have precipitated this invasion by calling for increased connectivity, higher reliability, lower costs in networking and support for interconnecting hetergeneous equipment. The result of this situation is that the user has a difficult task in developing strategies for its environment in order to get unscathed~through the product jungle of the market." (implementing the iso-osi reference model, r. popescu-zeletin osireferencemodel (application/pdf, 785 KB) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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