motz |
dimarts, 19. de juliol 2005
three days of copying a copy motzes, 19.07.2005 15:34h
there wasn't any fight at copyfight. everyone had the same opinion and so the three days didn't bring something new but have been pretty repetitive. i am bored of those events that are set up to please each other and to blame those who are not there. why should a applaud to a sentence like: "if i consume music like a hamburger i wonder what comes out at the other end" (barlow) when i just was told: "today culture is treated like a thing you can buy and discard." (lessig) john philip sousa got mentioned by doctorow and lessig alike. while lessig definitely knew why he was mentioning this guy in his talk, doctorow's talk was more like a name-dropping event. well, that would be too harsh. he was mentioning the broadcast flag, a nasty thing tv owner wanna have. as they didn't get through with it in the states, they now brought the discussion to europe. watch the open mobile alliance was the other message he wanted to get across. the message today is not really just about the right of people to get access to content without the right owner's permission, the message is about the opportunity to use this infrastructure of technology to produce extraordinary new creativity and spread the opportunity to produce creativity to the widest range of people. (lessig) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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