dimecres, 13. de juliol 2005


The Register: Could blogging spread computer worms?

Definitely maybe Could RSS feeds become a conduit for the transmission of computer worms? Security experts are at odds over the possibility. Those who play down the threat point to the fact that no virus has ever used the propagation technique while others say it's only when a network reaches critical mass (as in the case of instant message and file sharing networks) that malware threats show their ugly head ...

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osi gos(s)ip

OSI - open systems interconnection Brought to you by the ISO (organization for International Standardization)

The USG was finally persuaded, after issuing its Government OSI Protocol (GOSIP) that it should declare TCP/IP to be at least as acceptable as TP/CLNP (the OSI equivalent). After a year of deliberation, it did that. (vint cerf, 24052004)

multiple choice was the problem for european art of engineering.

Prior to OSI, networking was completely vendor-developed and proprietary, with standards such as SNA, Decnet, and XNS. OSI was a new industry effort, attempting to get everyone to agree to common network standards to provide multi-vendor interoperability. It was common for large networks to support multiple network protocol suites, with many devices unable to talk to other devices because of a lack of common protocols between them ... "(osi)

gosip rfc1169 and not just gosip anymore as late as 1994.

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some answers

about cyclades, bull, france telecom, gosip, osi are also a reason to travel to paris on the 14th. no way you will find me at this défilé militaire sur les champs-elysées, even will miss the firework at night but will make it to the banks of seine.

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