motz |
diumenge, 5. de juny 2005
i am really looking forward, but motzes, 05.06.2005 17:35h
one day i wanna stay in berlin for some time. aaron marcus will be en vienna at the beginning of july and speak at vision plus11; as is erik spiekermann, btw. there should be some interesting discussion possible. symposia on information design building upon each other. Vision Plus 11 is part of IIID's university project which is developed under the auspices of UNESCO well, but they are fucking expensive for a student driven event. since typo i look at the prices. ... Link (2 comments) ... Comment mulitlingual extraction techniques motzes, 05.06.2005 17:03h
beijing 2008 MIETTA, MULINEX, GETESS, MUMIS, SProUT information access for the heterogeneous tourist cross lingual domaeneoffene frage/antwort-verarbeitung in freien texten, öfai. what a title! ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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