diumenge, 22. de maig 2005

conference tourism

i would explain typo as a bunch of friends who like to meet and choosed as framework a setting some would call conference. actually, that there is an audience doesn't really matter. they are there and nicely they are willing to pay not a small amount of money; but hey, maybe they would pay more to meet those people one by one. who knows. maybe they wouldn't have the chance to meet them otherwise. who can tell. to meet is maybe a little bit too much to expect. they are allowed to watch a family meeting, with all family meetings side effects: some have something to say, some are entertainer, some did their research and some are just stupid and talk nonsense. but hey, we are family. and there is the masterhead who knows how to handle his 'pappenheimer'. so what. it can be nice, it can be boring, don't expect too much, you still can wonder and smoke and drink at nearby spree.

tomorrow another species: shopping mall guys, food retailers. cocktails served at kadewe. haven't been there yet. what do they mean when they announce: it in action, enrich customer experience, excellent customer service, in-store communication or productive store operations, ... i know they will make my next two days.

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