motz |
dimecres, 18. de maig 2005
what is writing anyhow motzes, 18.05.2005 17:11h
If all writing is information storage, then all writing is of equal value.(albertine gaur "a history of writing")found by saki mafundikwa afrikan alphabets wanna see: language culture type ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment unicode and fonts motzes, 18.05.2005 12:50h
an overview of various formats and, oh well, dead links. but there is more than i thought going on within the open source arena. ken fowles on character sets and unicode: to handle more than 256 characters ... is a requirement, not an option ....(ms typography)somehow it reminds me about the antville discussion how to do it properly and not just as a quick hack that leads to glueing. not a lot to see yet at decodeunicode don't know if unicode actually is the answer. recalling a conversation one year back and locos
juli gudehus genesis picto. 60s versus 90s. in the 70s yukio ota was involved in a project named "visualizing global interdependencies". other wonder if there is anything like an aesthetic skin ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment "Go to the ant thou sluggard" motzes, 18.05.2005 11:30h
maurice maeterlinck, about bees and ants, efficiancy and order. it seems there is a world out there that neither needs leadership nor hierarchy: patterns in nature. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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