motz |
divendres, 6. de maig 2005
for a bean or a grain motzes, 06.05.2005 16:20h
it's all about coffee: this year the register says: Americans are pants at password security Willing to spill the beans for coffee vouchers ... last year in may times titled: security spend is lower than the coffee bill'. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment nice,nice,nice motzes, 06.05.2005 15:29h
no more handwriting ;) feed it in Toblerone: . Here comes the generic Feedviewer. It's for prime-time I am inviting every antville weblog owner to those tiny little bugs to make this a perfect piece of software. LOL reformulating txt by cutting. i guess an identifyer what comes from the original and what has been changed would be of further fun. there was a skin somewhere ... Simply locate your browser to your weblog's base URL (http://[alias] cutting off my parss feed here? ... Link (2 comments) ... Comment ¿new job opening? motzes, 06.05.2005 12:58h
when it comes down to it-security within corporations some estimate that there could be a new job available: call it corporate scapegoat: earn $$ by taking our §risks of being none compliant and irresponsible. you may end up in prison, but we are willing to pay handsomely for that. unfortunately company act doesn't allow that yet. wondering if trust and reliability have anything in common. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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