motz |
dijous, 9. de desembre 2004
who was mr. aigrain? motzes, 09.12.2004 20:26h
"euronet (application/pdf, 169 KB) ", officially called "cost project 11" or "european informatics network", ~1969? In 1969 the COST group (Co-Op@ration europ@enne dans le domaine de la recherche Scientifique et Technique) which includes 19 European nations took up these AIGRAIN proposals and formed study groups to examine them in detail. By mid 1971 the Study Group for Project number 11 had prepared a report and on November 23 in that year an Agreement to establish a European Informatics Network was signed between: France, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia and Euratom (Netherlands joined in mid 1974) (original acm, public domain) yugoslavia?? that's a surprise. The communications sub-network uses one Mitra 15 computer (Cll), acting as a packet switch, at each Centre, connected thus: and here comes the line that dumbed down the effort: A vital aspect of the long-term future of the network is the co-operation with the PTTs who alone can provide a future public data network. Cooperation is actively maintained with CEPT (the conference of European PTTs) in considering the facilities to be offered by EIN. network concepts, sounds like a reduced version after reading a little bit further. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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