motz |
divendres, 26. de novembre 2004
nelson revisited motzes, 26.11.2004 18:31h
ok, everyone knows: ted nelson is angry. not just about tim berners-lee, whom he explained xanadu over lunch in 1989, 90, something like that; still, he did the www. » the worldwideweb is a dumb system. » the web is a degenerated form of hypertext » the computerworld today is like europe in 14hundred. there were two popes: the pope in rome and the pope in avignon. now, they agreed completely that the world, that the universe was hierarchical. really all they disagreed on was who should be pope. i think it is exactly that now with microsoft and the world wide web consortium. i see the w3c of being just like microsoft ... (some bits of ted nelson) one remark to the - well, already historic story, why he took his xml article offline.
try zigzag ... Link (6 comments) ... Comment this motzes, 26.11.2004 17:39h
flat is getting smaller and smaller while getting emptier. some more days con sol. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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