divendres, 10. de setembre 2004

sampling nighty program

people like us:

We strongly believe in the power of profit through free distribution. Often people have never heard of an artist because they aren’t being distributed through as many channels as they should be, due to the very poor state of music/media distribution for non-major label music coupled with ignorance of the way that avant garde art forms infiltrate mainstream culture. Also many prints of a work are allowed to go out of circulation or are deleted for no reason other than cost effectiveness by a label/publisher. This makes perfect sense financially, but no sense whatsoever that a year’s work by an artist should also disappear for such reasons. So get all of this while you can, and we completely endorse getting one’s work out there, no matter what. If you don’t share, your profit is limited ....(plu is worth digging.

to phill nilblock. let's see if it's too arzifazi or i am able to match these frequencies.

some hours later and sober again: well, what should i say: vicky bennet is a real radio woman, something i am always in favor with. phill nilblock got me sometimes, but in his case three acts were a little bit too much for my concentration span. well, to be fair, also bennet had some overlenght in her piece, but she got me back by constant change and making me laugh. the change in nilblock's work were - well minimal. imaging the video is going on for - what was it? one hour??

the good thing last night was not just the companionship but finding a new nice bar from an belgian guy in example; tiny little stage in the back and inauguración next week. don't remember the name right now ...

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setembre 2004
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