motz |
divendres, 16. de juliol 2004
a prequel motzes, 16.07.2004 22:39h
the pragmatists publish their new book; will be available on the 19th of july: 'pragmatic project automation, how to build, deploy, and monitor java applications'. three extracts are ready for download This is the book your computer didn’t want published. Until now, your computer has had a life of leisure: reading email, displaying web pages, and maybe even compiling Java code. Meanwhile you’ve been on the treadmill doing repetitive, mundane, and downright boring tasks that take away time from delivering valuable software and seeing your family. (introduction) would like to write a review, but i don't have an editor by hand who wouldn't say: to specific. next time. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment on the way to summer ... motzes, 16.07.2004 15:46h
... you have to pass by heavy rain in austria, snow in italy, clouds over france to finally see some hope in the sky. spain gave us a warm welcome with 39grados. no wonder we reached home a little bit shaky and delayed. but we made it although we lost some screws on the moto. but that didn't bother us too much - until we realized it. what we felt more strongly was the interplay of temperature: from 9° to 12° to 0° to wake up the next day by 25° to d(r)ive into 39° and civilization again. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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