motz |
diumenge, 30. de maig 2004
fridays our site is open motzes, 30.05.2004 16:29h
haven't been there for a while: Sorry, but you need to be logged in as a Rhizome member in order to access this page. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you're already a member, please log in below. If not, please enter your email address and a password below to sign up as a new member. If you're not sure if you want to become a member, please visit our site on Fridays. Fridays are open to Rhizome members and non-members alike.(rhizome) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment "use it without believing in it“ motzes, 30.05.2004 15:52h
i wanted to read ted nelson's explaination why XML is evil (pointer via better living with software), pero, no luck. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment digging networking motzes, 30.05.2004 13:26h
materials about the early days of networking the french version of a network: cyclades, a technical history. includes material about rand/baran, npl, arpanet, tcp/ip (pre1980) the internet archive contains a brought collection of interviews, quotes and materials about the arpanet. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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