divendres, 28. de maig 2004

computer policy

pc for defense

personal computer policy implementation plan FY 1995 - FY 2000"

software for laptops, desktops, notebooks, subnotebooks, handhelds, and personal digital assistants will be provided under these contracts. Office automation software provided include word processors, databases, spreadsheet packages, graphics packages, and communication functions such as electronic-mail. Personal information managers consisting of calendaring, task management, and simple database management functions will also be available.
MISSI products and FORTEZZA protection

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un hombre de mundo

anselmo brillat-savarin: abogado, politico, tradadista acerca de temas muy diversos.

fisiología del gusto
written somewhere inbetween 1755 and 1826

bloomsbury says published 1840, paris ?? ¿published by his nice, second/third/whatsover edition? the guy died 1826 en paris. 8vo, means 8th edition or 352 pages divided by 8? don't know how to read auction catalogues, i guess ;(

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