motz |
diumenge, 16. de maig 2004
networking motzes, 16.05.2004 19:32h
to understand more i guess i need this book on open systems and a course with james ten eyck/ or the books of his reading list. in his seminar one of the objctives is Students will be able to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the current Internet, and explain the problems of scaling to higher bandwidth, higher density of users, and a greater variety of traffic. sigcomm 1999 echoes '19 voices, speaking for a much larger community'. dave mills paper: a maze of twisty, turney passages - routing in the internet swamp (and other adventures). had already forgotten that the intelpost fax network was sending a picture of a panda as a test page back and forth. he also tells the story of early time telling, starting around 1979 in the fuzzball. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment in hindsight some igc-talks motzes, 16.05.2004 15:09h
taiwan: leads wireless cards production korea: also leads the development of online games. joint ventures with china. china: chinese companies, who will produce 20, 30 new localized online multiplayer games by their own this year. successfullness in china is measured in two ways: passing regulation authorities and winning users. the latter doesn't seem to be a problem the quarrel over the announcement in favour of their own wifi standard was initiated by some companies who are pretty close to government and would also have harmed smaller private initiatives, which function on a joint venture basis - actually the only way for foreign companies to get into this marked, i was told. china's wifi solo run was postponed anyhow, due to ¿technical problems? peru: average money to spend per day 1$. there the government set a law that you have to use open source software. proprietary ware can only be used, when no compareable open source software is available. india these low orbit satellite experiments are just experiments that don't work. wlans are used now to connect rural areas. people don't want just aid, but a real business opportunity. 1000$ to bring people online, for the equipment and software. 100$ needs a local entrepreneur to enter this project and to become the provider for a county. 70$/month needed to break even. and it works. they don't care about copyrights, because for them there is no content on the net so far that would be of their interest. mostly used: videophony to talk with relatives, doctors and county-representatives. costs 20, 30 cents per call. average income in rural area: 200$. planetary: mars should be connected to the internet in 2009. remember sputnik? the reason why arpanet was founded? finally licklider's dream of building a galactic network will become truth. well, maybe. ~40 years later and if they can manage the time problem for delivery. and actually they will use un guy: i want that everyone can write his email addresse in his own language. architectural pionieer: if costumers wishes are too harmfull for a system, maybe it's better to ignore them. also unicode has its problems and there are cultural things to consider if you want to be part of this run for internationalisation. if you do it, do it right! what niklas wirth would have made laugh off: nowadays the americans discover that software should be less filled up with features and: there was already reliable software around in the 80s. buffer overflow was solved already but still is accounted as the main security problem. they recall the famous speech of tony hoare. do it the european way? and somehow i got the feeling at the end, that all those pioneers are somehow running after money nowadays; not out of need, but out of something like: while billy boy made it, they still are not member of that club. even i estimate more people are using the net than ms. vale, it is still brought as a joke, but somehow i have heard the money story and how to redesign the net to make it possible a little bit too often during those last days. the question remains: who will earn from whom for what. maybe i am wrong putting my bias on this group, but i can't help myself, i don't get these stupid talks of analysts and venture capitalists out of my head. still need a proof that money doesn't mean a stop in invention. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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