dijous, 8. d’abril 2004

view, navigation and query

let's call it semantic blogging

Firstly, we enriched blog metadata using arbitrary vocabularies (this is in fact a key feature of RSS 1.0 [RSS Modules] ). Secondly, we used this metadata to provide navigation and query interfaces onto the blog. Thirdly, we encapsulated information snippets (which we call items) into the blog, such that each blog entry is an annotation for an item. These items carry their own rich metadata which can be navigated over and searched for. Finally, we experimented with using RDF for UI configuration, allowing run time control of the blog look and feel.

there is an online demo and lesson learnt paper. at first i wondered about why they have ....2001/ in their url of 'lesson learnt', i couldn't believe that hp would have said three years ago

We also noted that blogging is a very successful paradigm for lightweight publishing ...
well, depending on the month - blogger came out spring 2001, no wait, that was the year when the first problems appeared because of popularity, it was 1999 - still, they would have been something like early adaptors. ah, at the end of the paper: 2003 ...
One possibility for the future would be to conflate blog content and metadata (there is only metadata; the blog entry content is created directly from the metadata).
hm, if i take this, i have a blog that creates content by using parss and nothing but parss, no?
... The category chooser client goes through the text for a blog entry, stemming words and matching them with the indicator terms. If a term is matched, then that concept is suggested. This is a form of ontology driven assisted metadata creation ...
and pretty soon they will all sound the same. a real killer [app]

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