diumenge, 14. de març 2004


begins his presidency with un minuto de silencio. "lo primera unidad, cambio tranquilo." i guess others are able to describe better what the change means. txema oficinas de objetos perdidios la decadencia del ingenio quadernet ¿que pasa follador?

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socialist won in all autonomías and big cities and just declared that they won the election.

they have 1mil of votes more but don't hold absoluto, falta 12 seats.

en cataluña pp got reduced to its half.

finally some cifras en la pagina oficial

funny that even the number of participation that was trumped out by media about how many people went to the poll differs from the pagina oficial for the year 2000 :)

2004: 77,44% versus 63% 2000: 68,71% versus 55%

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still a long way

but it seems that more people voted in favor of the socialists

after 11,98% de los votos: psoe 164 seats pp 134 ciu 11

greens and also the left republican (erc) win, while the conservatives loose votes.

erc (from 1 seat to 8 after ~30% de votes) is impressionante, because they were nearly criminalized by pp because their leader talked with some members of eta some month ago.

43% de votes: psoe 43% (164 seats) pp 36% (146) ciu 3,30 (10) erc 2,64 (8)

and despite of the so called crisis of the new left wing government in cataluña also here conservative lost and left wing parties won

andalucía voted twice today (generales and provinicales) psoe 54% (+10%), pp 31,8% (-9)

61.21% psoe 43,4 (165) pp 36,81 (144) ciu 3,26 (10) erc 2,62 (8)

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