motz |
dimecres, 10. de març 2004
the tech motzes, 10.03.2004 00:12h
the tech. old editions of the mit school newspaper with divergent content. Our Indians. AS the field of labor of many of our students will be beyond the Mississippi, it may be of interest to them to learn something of a race of people which they will there meet,- the Indians. We say "will meet," for contrary to the impression generally held that the Indian race is dying out, it is in fact increasing in spite of war and famine. ...(1882)haven't considered the tech as a source on "indians" but more stuff like "cryotron, tinier than transistors, will shrink giant computers soon" (1957) With pioneering research on a new device to relplace transistors and tubes in giant computers, the Insti- tute has made a major contribution to what one of its engineers calls a coming "revolution" in electronics. This new device is a cryotron, so small that 100 will fit into a thimble. It is the first useful application of a phenomenon discovered nearly 50 years ago but still not yet under- stood. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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