divendres, 5. de març 2004

lingua franca

In general, it is not always obvious how we should distinguish priceless, irreplaceable info-diversity from pointless blind alleys for which the best requiem is a chorus of "good riddance".(lingua franca)

the idea to apply w.brian arthur's work to the to the "marketplace" of software architecture is an interesting one

W. Brian Arthur is a mathematician, engineer, economist, and complexity theorist who might be called "the man who brought chaos to the marketplace". Arthur is best know for his work on role of positive feedback, or increasing returns [Arthur 1992] on economic competition.

thanks to brian foote i will remember that the 'lorenz butterfly effect' means the

famous notion that a butterfly flapping its wings in China might change the weather in Monticello, Illinois a month later
and comes from the meteorologist edward lorenz.

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the semantic of the semantic web

If the Semantic Web was anywhere even close to half-as-good as the claims that are being made for it, it would ALREADY have gained massive widespread acceptance. Meaning VAST implementation." (poorbuthappy)

nice collection of "themes and metaphors" about the semantic web discussions by peter van dijk.

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