dilluns, 5. de gener 2004

dizzy lines

what does transdisciplinarity and the semantic web have in common? everything or nothing? transdisciplinarity means more or less that different people from different disciplines come together to define a problem, to work on it and to develope a new set of vocabulary for the problem. (más o menos erich jantsch) maybe the important thing here is that people are trying to find new classifications for an unsolveable problem. albert müller, warden of the heinz von foerster archive in vienna things so. to find an answer for a problem you need to ask the right question. is there a right question for the semantic web? i wonder, because i am still searching for an answer and can't find one that would satisfy me. müller gave me the following example: if someone would write about the history of 18th century literature today, he would work with classifications, a hierarchy of conceptions (begriffen) which are nothing else than expressions of a convention. the same happens with the semantic web: find a convention and try to intersperse it to create clarity. but that is nothing new nor does it give you a warranty for anything. i guess i have to agree with that.

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