motz |
divendres, 2. de gener 2004
"denken außerhalb des denkens" motzes, 02.01.2004 14:07h
über informationsverarbeitung, wissen und diverse phantasmen, hasebrook's knowbotic interface projekt ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment history on q&a systems (part I) motzes, 02.01.2004 13:06h
research in natural question answering systems was first reported about 44 years ago by mccarthy and (1959). the goal of these systems was the implementation of conversational computer programs that understand and respond to queries posed in natural language. within the area of information retrieval, question answering has been associated with fact retrieval, as opposed to document retrieval. that is, it is concerned with the direct answering of questions, instead of referencing of sets of documents that might contain the answers to given questions. sad sam: syntactic appraiser and diagrammer semantic analyzing machine. The program accepts English sentences about kinship relations, builds a data base and answers questions about the facts it has stored. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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