dimarts, 2. de desembre 2003

"constructing a reality"

The gentleman in the bowler hat hvf, in in w.f.e. praiser preiser (ed.), environmental design research, vol2, dowden, hutchinson and rose, 1973.

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the attorney is confident, but it's not over yet

"Jon Johansen Retrial: Norwegian Jon Johansen today faces the retrial of his acquittal for reverse-engineering DVD technology and creating DeCSS in 1999. DeCSS is computer software that Johansen and others wrote in an effort to build an independent DVD player for the Linux operating system. The publication of DeCSS onto the Internet spurred lawsuits against hundreds of web publishers living all over the world for its re-publication.

In January 2003, a three-judge panel in Oslo rejected charges brought by the Norwegian Economic Crime Unit (OKOKRIM) against Johansen for accessing his DVD movies using an independently created DVD player. OKOKRIM appealed the loss and Johansen’s retrial is scheduled to begin on December 2, 2003 in Oslo and end December 11, 2003.

In November 2003, Johansen published a new computer program called QTFairUse that allows consumers to make digital fair use of their Apple iTunes music collections by legally opening a music file and then saving it as an unrestricted file. QTFairUse is only foundational software since it leaves the music file in an unplayable format and needs additional software to actually play the music. But QTFairUse is published under an Open Source license enabling others to freely build upon it and incorporate the code into new applications and devices." (via robin gross,ip justice)

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