motz |
divendres, 31. d’octubre 2003
software reliability motzes, 31.10.2003 17:34h
the economic impacts of inadequate infrastructure software testing, one of the rare studies about the economic effects of unreliable software from nist, an agency of the commerce department's technology administration, us, may 2002. In 2000, total sales of software reached approximately $180 billion. (p13) ... tony hoare is arguing, no it's not just the right testing environment that is missing, it is correct software, "but right now they don't see it that way." ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment oh well, codewords motzes, 31.10.2003 02:33h
feedster's pdc collection. rss feeds with the topic ms event. a guide for the perplexed is some help after all to get a clue what they are up to. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment selecciónes /elecciónes motzes, 31.10.2003 01:03h
the young greens invite to ¿throw? castanyes at mas, aznar or bush/ or do i have to get them out for them? don't know, have to go there to figure out. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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