motz |
dilluns, 13. d’octubre 2003
another assertion motzes, 13.10.2003 14:55h
We already have quite a lot of social software, but it's all fairly blatant. What's the smallest scale of social interaction that can take place online? .. It's an assertion of presence: "Here we are": glancing (via metal machine music) i don't think i would like to have that . just another icon and pop up at my screen. i don't consider that as social. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment mix streetlife with online gaming motzes, 13.10.2003 13:56h
there was an interesting panel yesterday at artfutura, that at the end wasn't all that bad. matt adams from blast theory was talking about their game "can you see me now?" a low tech game that mixes life on the street and net, which whom they got the golden nica at ars. the next game ¿they are going to do with bbc? is called uncle roy all around you where people get a pda and have 60 minutes to find the office of uncle roy with the help of an online person. to mix online gaming with streetgaming seems to be popular, also with telcos. people are already used to listen to other private conversations on the street, so now they can listen to their gaming. who cares, when all the sudden someone starts to run ... or screams ¡shoot me! julian oliver from select parks does it and ricardo andrade from ydreams too. while the first one also wants to develope games to teach people a little bit social and political behaviour (escape from woomera) the second earns his money with simple games over bluetooth: find your enemy within 10 meters. so to say. Brajovicvandendriessche are working in a different direction. they are using their engines for architectual projects. "one day a woman walked in and asked us to build her house in puerto rico. she felt secure that our skills are advanced enough now" (la casa en el aire) their latest project has the title bamboo ligature. the idea: let your house natural grow, with the help of a robot and bamboo. (exhibited at "V Biennal d'Arquitectura de São Paulo) nice project, even they put a lot of theorie behind, but that's ok. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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