motz |
dimecres, 10. de setembre 2003
"your wish is my command" motzes, 10.09.2003 17:40h
speaking in djinni by fox harrell. article about computational languages. ctheory's after ars contribution, so to say. one of the better lines at ars was: if you talk about code you talk about software, because that is what code is all about, but it' s time to overcome this notion of making a distinction between hard and software. start to talk about 'the thing' as a whole. (more or less what peter bentley said, one of the few computer scientists at the ars and one of the few scientists who didn't just stick in the mud of historical timelines.) If something is not working, it’s not because the computer is annoyed, or has misinterpreted its instructions, or is bored. It is because the programmer is annoyed, or has misinterpreted his own code, or is bored. (peter bentley) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment castle sprint in a motzes, 10.09.2003 15:36h
plone people have set up a meeting. paul everitt from zope is there. everything comes down again to: how to set up a community ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment ars of c words motzes, 10.09.2003 15:12h
they should have called it *.code. the title was a wildcard for everything. but what striked me: i have the impression that i have heard the word collective more often than code. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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