motz |
dimarts, 15. de juliol 2003
request for comments 1000 motzes, 15.07.2003 17:24h
network working group history everything that was issued between april 1969 and march 1987. "At UCLA we scrambled to build a host-IMP interface. SDS, the builder of the Sigma 7, wanted many months and many dollars to do the job. Mike Wingfield, another grad student at UCLA, stepped in and offered to get interface built in six weeks for a few thousand dollars. He had a gorgeous, fully instrumented interface working in five and one half weeks. I was in charge of the software, and we were naturally running a bit late. September 1 was Labor Day, so I knew I had a couple of extra days to debug the software. Moreover, I had heard BBN was having some timing troubles with the software, so I had some hope they'd miss the ship date. And I figured that first some Honeywell people would install the hardware -- IMPs were built out of Honeywell 516s in those days -- and then BBN people would come in a few days later to shake down the software. An easy couple of weeks of grace. BBN fixed their timing trouble, air shipped the IMP, and it arrived on our loading dock on Saturday, August 30. They arrived with the IMP, wheeled it into our computer room, plugged it in and the software restarted from where it had been when the plug was pulled in Cambridge. Still Saturday, August 30. Panic time at UCLA ..." ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment internet motzes, 15.07.2003 12:18h
internet meeting notes, 15 August 1977. Postel: An address is just a string of bits, with each address parser consuming part of the string, to give a gateway an address reserve one value of the set of values representable in the bits the gateway parses, that reserved value means "here". ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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