motz |
dimarts, 1. de juliol 2003
something is happening out there motzes, 01.07.2003 19:53h
a link, an article reminds of snipsnap "a free and easy to install weblog and wiki software written in java. Q: Does SnipSnap support WikiLinking? A: No, despite the Wiki-esque name Snipsnap, we do not support WikiLinking. ... you have to decide first to write (unreadable) MobLogs instead of Moblogs or MoBlogs or Mo Blogs. Then you could also decide to write [MoBlogs] and then the same arguments apply here - old content will be linked to it automatically. Even if you write [Moblogs] or [MobLogs] (which both could not be found with WikiLinking MoBlogs. Bottom line: we will not add WikiLinking ... (faq) wondering what happened to conclave in the meantime. ... Link (3 comments) ... Comment the world according to yankee doodle motzes, 01.07.2003 02:12h
ascii stands for: the american standard code for information interchange and was finalized at 1968. (ASCII Chart) maybe that is no date for dave winer, but for some parts of the world things changed since than. i updated the XML-RPC spec to remove the word ASCII from the definition of string type, and changed the copyright dates from 1998-99 to 1998-2003. (winer)now that gives me a new inside how the x continent solves problems and where some of them got stucked. "To understand the original intent of the ASCII control codes, you have to think of teletypes, using paper tape, configured in a multidrop system with relay logic used to turn on or off individual teletypes in the bunch ... (Understanding ASCII Codes) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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