motz |
dimecres, 7. de maig 2003
let's see motzes, 07.05.2003 18:51h
plone build on zope. looking at 'who does it', it seems they are fishing hard in the governmental/educational sea. cms, open source, written in python and have one known problem: documentation? will come i am wondering if i like reading something like 'For information on doing this please see chapter xxx.'or would prefer not to be bored with such lines. and i don't know, i think i don't like this filing sytem somehow. gives me the feeling of being in primary school: one box for this and one box ... but using wiki style for documentation can help, i guess - just looking at the surface ... ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment somewhere else motzes, 07.05.2003 15:04h
emerging technology conference coverage ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment good documents motzes, 07.05.2003 14:14h
exploiting dan bricklin's essays: 'Word processors are designed for writing for paper ... They evolved for the purpose of producing paper output. (in good documents)not more needed to tumble down a seemingly undying myth. 'General purpose personal computers were still in the future, and each computer was built specially to do word processing. With the advent of inexpensive video computer screens, the connection to the typewriter as input device was broken. Some early devices tried to avoid this break, and simulated the look and feel of a typewriter by making the screen act as much like a piece of paper as possible, even going as far as having margin setting levers that were under the screen just like those under paper on a typewriter. These devices kept the page orientation.' (history of word processing') ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment ... Next page
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