motz |
diumenge, 27. d’abril 2003
geometry motzes, 27.04.2003 19:17h
'geometry in code' james o. coplien columns: in space: the final frontier he is talking about how to find beauty in a code: '... And of course Conway's Law says that you'll find the structure of the program mirrored in the structure of the organization that built it. Giving good space to objects gives good "space" to the programmers who maintain them: independence of development, local control.'worth a thousand words '... if one had to choose a type of entity of which it could be said that it is the only component, the essential and single component of all computer programs, what is it? Is it a function? Is it a list? Is it (probably) something else? Could one say that every successful program is a function of functions? Could one say that every successful program is a list of lists (lambda calculus)?'to iterate is human, to recurse, divine 'Data is about structure; instructions (control) are about time. The program counter visits instruction after instruction in turn. The locality of visitation (or lack thereof) sometimes leads to a spatial structure in its own right. Functions are locales of control. So are loops--chunks of time folded onto each other and expressed in compact form.'the geometry of c++ objects 'To Alexander, these issues of geometry aren't just about models of perception. To him, they grapple with the very structure of matter, with how the world really is. If I ask the analogous question for software, whether it really does live in some multi-dimensional world in the same sense that buildings do, they'll probably take away my license to do real work and suggest I go write poetry or something.' ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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