motz |
dimarts, 25. de febrer 2003
new organization motzes, 25.02.2003 23:42h
robin gross, former intellectual property attorney with the eff announced today the founding of ip justice, a new international civil liberties organization focusing on global intellectual property issues.' the aim of this group is to raise 'global public awareness about the civil liberty implications of intellectual property in a digital world.' The five “Principles of IP Justice” are: 1. We reserve the right to control our individual experience of intellectual property. 2. Creators deserve to be compensated. 3. We reserve our right to make private copies of lawfully acquired intellectual property. 4. Technology and information that enable the exercise of rights should be lawful. 5. “Copy Rights” come with “Copy Responsibilities.” well, everyone can sign-on in support of these i didn't know that robin was leaving the eff. her last case she was fighting through as an attorney of the eff than was the jon johansen case, the norwegian guy, who was found innocent by an oslo court last month for attempting to write software that could play his dvds on his linux computer. no wonder he 'applauded the global effort'. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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