dimarts, 7. de gener 2003

those were the days

got an indirect pointer from brian to this text from kristen nygaard, one of the inventers of Simula, on teamwork, research and its role in society. thanks.

about teams:

"first, if you are a man, which in research from a statistical point of view is highly likely, then learn from most women that it is better to confront and solve conflicts immediately along the road, as they turn up. Don't do what men usually do: wipe conflicts under the carpet, and get the big explosion later. The female behaviour is more tiresome in the short run, but more safe in the long run ..."
what was wrong with simula:
SIMULA had full support within the Norwegian Computing Center and in its board, and almost nowhere else in Norway. What was wrong? Four main points: 1. There would be no use for such a language as SIMULA. 2. There would be use, but it had been done before. 3. Our ideas were not good enough, and we lacked in general the competence needed to embark upon such a project, which for these reasons never would be completed. 4. Work of this nature should be done in countries with large resources, and not in small and unimportant countries like Norway ...
politically kristen nygaard was involved in a lot of different projects. e.g. he was working with trade unions on industrial democracy. he also was the "leader of "No to EU"
I intend to work until I become senile, and even longer, since I hope that my colleagues will have the decency not to tell me when I have arrived at that stage.
he died on August 9th 2002.
"As you well know, the winners write the history." (nygaard, august 10th, 1996)

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