motz |
diumenge, 8. de desembre 2002
pe-pe motzes, 08.12.2002 23:28h
Palabras, Palabras. txema ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment "destins motzes, 08.12.2002 18:02h
preferits dels barcelonins." i like this language. "el temporal podria deixar fins a 15 centímetres de neu a la part nord del Pirineu" - sin debats. ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment marea negra motzes, 08.12.2002 15:58h
![]() aznar doesn't make his hands dirty (well, if he would do it literarly, he would risk his health) - and repeats saying it is the duty of his ministers. anyhow, nearly one month later they plan to go out there to see the catastrophic scene. but without telling a date. in the last week the pp tried to keep back as much information as possible, media wasn't allowed. with the effect, that private television brought pictures of the government, presenting books, drinking cava, aznar in italy joking around with a journalist that happened to be blond: All together not willing to deal with the issue. CUT: pictures of the coasts, people that have lost everything and who even didn't get help in form of shovels or some buckets. fishers, that tried to clean up with what they had: their hands. at the beginning also voluntarios were sent back and not allowed. in galicia the catastrophy let more people than ever play and hope in lotería. in this area there was nothing else but the business of fish and sea food people were living on. . La tradición de que en los lugares donde ha tenido lugar una desgracia toca la lotería ha llevado a que se batan los récords históricos de venta de décimos para el sorteo de Navidad en las zonas más afectadas por el vertido del petrolero 'Prestige', como es el caso de la Costa da Morte. (la vanguarida) ... Link (0 comments) ... Comment |
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